Canada Introduces New PR Pathway for Sudanese Families Affected by Conflict

In a significant move, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has announced a new immigration pathway designed to assist families affected by the ongoing conflict in Sudan. Starting from February 27, 2024, the department will accept up to 3,250 applications from individuals or families under this special family sponsorship program, which grants permanent residence (PR) to successful applicants.

IRCC has confirmed that the right of permanent residence fee will be waived, and individuals who receive PR through this program will have access to free settlement services, further easing their transition to life in Canada.

Eligibility Criteria for the New Pathway:
To qualify for this program, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Have been residing in Sudan as of April 15, 2023;
  • Lack a country to return to other than Sudan or Canada;
  • Be a child (of any age), grandchild, sibling, parent, or grandparent of an eligible “anchor” in Canada;
  • Provide a statutory declaration from the anchor stating their intention to support the applicant for one year and confirming that no financial compensation has been or will be accepted;
  • Plan to settle in a province or territory outside Quebec;
  • Meet other admissibility criteria, excluding financial reasons.

Additionally, applicants may be eligible if:

  • Their spouse or common-law partner is missing, presumed dead, deceased, or unable to leave Sudan;
  • Their spouse or common-law partner is related to an eligible anchor who agrees to provide support;
  • They meet all other program eligibility criteria.

Who Can Act as an Anchor?
An “anchor” is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who agrees to support the applicant and their family for the first year in Canada. They are responsible for providing financial assistance and helping meet basic needs such as housing, food, and clothing. To be eligible, the anchor must:

  • Be at least 18 years old;
  • Live in Canada (but not in Quebec);
  • Demonstrate sufficient financial means to meet the sponsorship obligations.

Certain individuals are prohibited from acting as anchors, including those who are bankrupt, incarcerated, subject to a removal order, or in default on immigration-related payments, among other restrictions.

Application Process:
Applicants must submit their applications through the PR portal, including all required documents and declarations from the anchor. Incomplete applications will be returned, but applicants may resubmit if the program is still open.

For additional information on the application process and to access relevant forms, individuals can visit the official IRCC website.

This new pathway marks an important opportunity for families affected by the Sudan conflict, offering them a chance to rebuild their lives in Canada.

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